Wind & Solar
Cogent DataHub™ software from Skkynet can be found in virtually any application for the energy sector where secure data communication is important―from conventional power generation and transmission to alternative energy like wind and solar, for both production and monitoring. System integrators and plant engineers use the DataHub program to access, integrate, and monitor data from diverse hardware and software vendors.
DataHub software has become an integral part of the communications networks in hundreds of wind farms across Europe, Asia, and North America run by multinational and municipal utility companies. The DataHub program securely tunnels data from thousands of wind turbines to field processing stations to be filtered, logged, and analyzed. In some cases the data is sent to corporate offices for further consolidation and for generating statements and invoices to customers, as well as reports to regulatory agencies. It also provides secure data connectivity for solar power farms and other alternative energy applications.
Use Cases
Managing Wind Farms: The DataHub program made it possible to connect to a wide variety of interfaces from different manufacturers, and consolidate all data into a single, universal data set for SCADA, custom programs, and archival record-keeping.
Wind Turbines: Connecting a DataHub instance to a local SCADA system on each turbine allows wind farm operators to configure secure, bidirectional, real-time data connections to their central SCADA system.
Solar Data Integration: A project to integrate OPC DA and OPC UA data for solar arrays grew to include sending emails, logging historical data, and sending data via MQTT to the cloud for AI.
Wind Farm Access: Utility company engineers and managers can monitor the SCADA systems for multiple wind farms in one convenient web page.
Solar Power Display: A system integrator provides secure SCADA and browser-based access for monitoring operational data from panels at remote solar farms.