Excel Connections

Run calculations and analytics in real time

Excel connections diagram

Microsoft Excel is the tool of choice for running calculations and analyzing data in data sets large and small.  Useful as it is for financial and business systems, Excel can also enhance industrial applications.  Adding the power of Excel to your system with Cogent DataHub™ software provides a way to generate real-time analytics based on your live process data.

DataHub Add-in for Excel brings real-time and bi-directional data sharing to Excel, using leading-edge Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) communication technology.

Connect any worksheet and instantly see live updates. Save the worksheet and the next time you open it, all the data is refreshed and you have reports with up to the moment accuracy. Pull data back out of Excel and use it as input to your control systems, or as analysis results you can share with a colleague.

  • Easy-to-use DataHub Add-in for Excel provides fully integrated, real-time, networking for Excel, on DHTP over TCP/IP.
  • Support also available for DDE connections.
  • Integrate Excel with your OPC or Modbus system.
  • View your Excel data from a web-based HMI with a drag-and-drop editor for building pages.
  • Send emails based on changes to the data in any worksheet.