The Cogent DataHub Architecture

A Single Unified Data Set (unified namespace)

The DataHub internal architecture provides a single, unified data set (also known as a unified namespace) through which connected servers and clients can exchange data.  Each application connects using its own protocol, such as OPC, MQTT, DHTP, Modbus, ODBC, etc.  Whenever a DataHub instance receives a change to a data point value, it immediately updates the data set, and then forwards the new value to every application subscribed to that point, in that application’s own protocol. On a modern CPU, each DataHub instance can process up to 100,000 data point changes per second in this way.

This internal architecture enables the DataHub program to simultaneously:

  • Integrate data from multiple sources
  • Redistribute data to multiple users
  • Convert protocols in real time
  • Support server-to-server connections
  • Allow scripted interactions with raw data
  • Support daisy chain connections for secure IoT
DataHub Architecture diagram


  • Quick and Complete Access to All Data: Every connected application has immediate access to all allowed data in the system.
  • Flexible: You can create server-server bridges, build custom data domains with data from multiple sources, and manipulate or transform data with scripts as it passes through.
  • Network-enabled: Any participant can be anywhere on the local network or the Internet.
  • Protocol Appropriate: Each participant sees the data in its own protocol, independent of the data source protocol.
  • Accessible: Data from any protocol is available to all DataHub integration features and utilities like Scripting, Redundancy, Security, and more.
  • Protected: Connected applications are protected from irregular data sources. If a data source goes down, all clients have access to the last valid data until the source recovers.

Real-Time Protocol Conversions

This architecture enables real-time protocol conversion for DataHub products, including these:

Conversion Product Conversion Product
OPC DA ↔ OPC UA DataHub OPC Gateway OPC ↔ Database DataHub OPC Logger
OPC ↔ MQTT DataHub IoT Gateway OPC A&E ↔ OPC DA Add A&E
OPC Server ↔ Server DataHub OPC Bridge Modbus ↔ OPC Modbus OPC Server
Custom ↔ Any DataHub APIs Modbus ↔ Database DataHub Modbus Logger

Data Organization

The unified data set is organized into sub-sets called data domains. Each application reads from and/or writes to points in one or more data domains. This architecture lets system administrators provide or restrict access to data points, on a per-domain basis.

Data domains