Thin-Film Plastics Production

DataHub Use Case

A system integrator in Europe was given responsibility for collecting data from over a dozen thin-film plastics machines and making that data available to the company’s business processing systems.  The complexity of the system became apparent when after almost a year there was little sign of progress.

Use Case - Thin Film Plastic diagram

Realizing that a new approach might be necessary, he tried using DataHub software.  Very quickly he was able to connect to the OPC servers for the thin-film machines, and feed all of their production data into a DataHub instance in real time.  From there, he was able to log the data to a database, where it was accessible for business processing.  He also ran a separate copy of the data in Excel for the company engineers to analyze live production data.  The result is cost savings in a number of areas because accounting is working with current production figures and engineering can do live, real-time analysis of processes, all with a single tool.