Intellectual Property Notices


Copyright © 1995-2024 Cogent Real-Time Systems Inc. and its affiliates and licensors (“Cogent”). All rights reserved. Cogent either owns the intellectual property rights in the underlying HTML, text, audio clips, video clips and other content that is made available to you on this Web site, or has the right to use such content. All such content is protected by intellectual property and copyright laws of the United States, Canada, the Quebec Civil Code and/or foreign jurisdictions. Unauthorized use of this content may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws or other laws.


DataHub®, Cogent DataHub™, WebView™ and their logos and icons are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Cogent Real-Time Systems, Inc. and/or Real Innovations International LLC (“Real Innovations”), used under license by Cogent.  Skkynet®, SkkyHub™, VINE™ and their logos and icons are trademarks of Skkynet Cloud Systems, Inc. (“Skkynet”), used under license by Cogent.  The following are trademarks also used under license by Cogent:

UA Tunneller™ DA Tunneller™
DDE Tunneller™ Modbus Tunneller™
UA Logger™ DA Logger™
UA Bridge™ DA Bridge™
Modbus Logger™ Modbus OPC Server™
OPC Gateway™ OPC DataHub™
QuickTrend™ Cascade™
System Monitor™ Gamma™
DataPid™ TextLogger™

The names, trademarks, service marks, logos, icons and trade dress of Real Innovations, used under licence by Cogent, appearing on this web site may not be used in any manner by users of this web site without the express prior written permission of Cogent. OPC is a trademark of the OPC Foundation. Symbol Factory™ is a trademark of Reichard Software Corporation. Symbol Factory graphics are included with Webview under license from Software Toolbox and Reichard Software Corporation.

Disclaimer: product names, logos, brands, icons, and other trademarks featured or referred to within the this web site are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with Real Innovations, Cogent, Skkynet or Skkynet subsidiaries, their products, or this web site. They do not sponsor or endorse Cogent, Skkynet or Skkynet subsidiaries’ products or any of their software solutions.

Virtual Patent Marking

The following Cogent and/or Skkynet products and services are protected by patent and patent applications in the U.S. and elsewhere. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including Section 16 of the America Invents Act. Additional patent applications may be pending in the US and elsewhere.

DataHub® WebView™ U.S. Patent Nos.: 8,661,092, 9,667,689, 10,498,796
DataHub® and Skkynet DataHub for Microsoft Azure U.S. Patent Nos.: 9,100,424, 9,288,272, 9,762,675, 11,627,114, 11,943,205, 12,113,777, 12,107,836, 12,107,835
Vine™ Add-in U.S. Patent Nos.: 10,558,744, 10,462,206


Photography used under Creative Commons license. Photographic credits to: Rita Willaert, Carissa Rogers, Paul Inkles, Dayou_X, A Silly Person, flowcomm, Arriva436, Michelle Lawrence, Ivan McClellan, Dennis Tang, Brian Burger, Michael Roper, Cameron Russell, h080, G Meyer, Michael Elleray, Ken Doerr, DeusXFlorida.