How to use a DataHub script


  1. Download and install Cogent DataHub software.
  2. Start the DataHub and select the Scripting option.
  3. Add a script from the demo scripts.
  4. Save a copy of the script in a user directory to make changes.
  5. Edit, test, and save the script in the Script Editor.
  6. Set the script to run when the DataHub starts up, if needed.

For more details and options, see the documentation.


  1. How to use a DataHub script.
  2. First, download and install Cogent DataHub software.
  3. Start the DataHub, and from the Properties window select the Scripting option and click the Add button.
  4. Choose a script from the demo scripts in the scripts directory: C, Program Files, Cogent, Cogent DataHub, scripts,
  5. To edit the demo script you should first save a copy. Select the script, then click the Edit button to open the script in the Script Editor.
  6. Choose File, then Save As, to save the script.
  7. Put it in your Users directory: C, Users, User Name, AppData, Roaming, Cogent DataHub, scripts.
  8. Edit the script as needed.
  9. Click the blue arrow to save your edits and run the script, as often as you like.
  10. When you are done editing, close the script editor.
  11. Check the box for the script if you want it to run when the DataHub starts up. Click the Apply button.
  12. Now you are using a DataHub script.


Networking OPC DA requires DCOM, which is difficult to configure and not very secure. Learning how to tunnel OPC DA inbound, you can bypass DCOM altogether. The tunnel recovers quickly from network outages, and keeps all OPC servers and clients connected during that time.

Skkynet provides Cogent DataHub secure-by-design software and services to let you acquire, aggregate, monitor, control visualize, and network live process data in-plant or over insecure external networks, making it ideal for OT to IT and cloud connections.  You can isolate control networks from cyber attacks and integrate industrial data under a unified namespace, all without compromising the plant.

Cogent DataHub products wheel diagram