How to convert OPC DA to OPC UA
- Download and install Cogent DataHub software.
- Start the DataHub.
- Connect to your OPC DA server.
- Connect your OPC UA client.
For more details and options, see the documentation.
- How to convert OPC DA to OPC UA.
- First, download and install Cogent DataHub software.
- We will start by connecting to the DA server.
- Start the DataHub, and from the Properties window, select the OPC DA option and click the Add button.
- Choose an OPC server.
- Enter the Data Domain Name “OPC DA server.”
- Set a maximum update of 100 milliseconds for now.
- Leave the other options at the default settings.
- Manually select the points you want to connect to.
- Or choose Load All Items on Server.
- Click OK and Apply.
- Click View Data to see your data in the Data Browser.
- Now you are connected to the OPC DA server.
- Next we will connect the OPC UA client.
- In the DataHub Properties window, select the OPC UA option.
- Make sure the box for Act as an OPC UA Server is checked, and the protocols you need are also checked. Then click Apply.
- To enable remote connections, select Security and then click the Configure button.
- Under Users, click the Add button to add a Built-In User.
- Enter a username and password.
- Uncheck the Require TOTP Authentication box because this is a non-interactive connection. Then click OK.
- In the Roles, check the All Data Full Access box. Then click OK. This DataHub instance is now configured as an OPC UA server.
- In your OPC UA client, add the Cogent DataHub server. To connect remotely, you will need to enter the username and password. Then select your nodes.
- Now your OPC DA server is connected to your OPC UA client.
OPC Classic Data Access (OPC DA) is a legacy protocol with a wide user base. OPC UA is the latest protocol from the OPC Foundation. Learning how to convert OPC DA to OPC UA with Cogent DataHub software is a good way to integrate these two protocols, and make them available to all of the other supported protocols, like OPC A&E, A&C, MQTT, Modbus, ODBC, and more.
Skkynet provides Cogent DataHub secure-by-design software and services to let you acquire, aggregate, monitor, control visualize, and network live process data in-plant or over insecure external networks. You can isolate control networks from cyber attacks and integrate industrial data under a unified namespace, all without compromising the plant.